We, the undersigned, swear, certify, and affirm that the following declaration respecting our claim to the subject premises is in open, continuous exclusive, adverse, and notorious possession of said property, and hereby describe the character of the claim holding pursuant to Cannon v. Stockmon, 36 Cal. 535, 541 (Cal. 1869) Acts and declarations of the party respecting his claim, at any time while in possession before commencement of the action, whether within or after five years after the commencement of his possession, would be admissible as tending to show the character in which he claimed during the whole time.
Restoring the house
THE HOUSE above us (1404 Ewing) burnt down in 1977 also catching part of our house on fire and requiring some remodeling. The first rendition of immediate upgrades, the quick fix remodeling that kept the house functioning started out with new redwood and cedar wood paneling and fireproof slate, black exterior paint and fire resistant insulation and new electrical with USB-C and light up light switches, and adorned by new handmade designed electric cover plates and new safety glass picture window. A wifi connected modern air conditioner completed this exterior interior repair with a Japanese genkan entry room complete with new wood floor by planing ⅛ of an inch off the entire home's hardwood flooring.
THE ENTRY ROOM ceiling was painted with a realistic clouds and sky mural tromplolie and new track lighting was installed. The wall opposite the front door was wood paneled on the bottom half and muraled with a Monet painting that Erik had made of the classic Lily Pond painting of Monet yet with UV inks and paints added to reference Monet's blindness and surgery to remove his eyelids. It is said during the creation of the cerulean blue Lily Pond paintings in his later years, he was going blind, so he had one of the first eye surgeries that would let him extend his vision to the end of his life, but as a result, he could now see in some ultraviolet hues.
THE GENKEN was then adjoined to the living room and bedroom by the 18th century to the late 1920s Japanese Shoji sliding doors. We also re-papered the Shoji doors with persimmons colored washi paper imported from Japan with traditional washi glue. The door jams to the old bedroom were reframed in redwood that was raw cut from a tree and post and beam construction was used to reinforce the front room and ceiling. The wall to the bedroom was removed and shoji doors were used to replace this former wall.
ALL THE LATH AND PLASTER of the Interior was removed by hand to reduce the weight of the house and the load upon it as it sat on stilts on a hillside with a slope of over 30 degrees, and a retaining wall that holds it up was being maliciously excavated by a contractor and his minions who disregard the fact that there are people in the building, as he keeps digging at the base of the retaining wall. We replaced the elements with plywood then cedar panels and using decking screws and 16 penny nails and finish nails we attached the materials and added new king posts and using 4 x 8 beams we attached with 10-inch bolts and lag bolts.
THE LIVING ROOM was first decarpeted and then mop cleaned with vinegar and water many times but we just couldn't get a luster so we removed the linoleum tile 9×9 inch known to be hazardous and disposed of them to environmental standards. That took forever because we didn't have the right tool at first and used a paint scraper. Then with hot water we boiled, we removed the mastic and began to use a razor blade to clean the bare wood.
Finally, we used a Japanese hand planer to plane the floor to new finish and sanded with a modified car buffer the entire floor. The windows needed to be sealed and seemed as if the previous straw buyers had begun mucking with the house. The drywall was falling from the ceiling and we removed it and vacuumed the entire attic and eaves and the. Using a jet leave blower we got a lot of rats' nests and poop debris out by way of the open eaves. That was a messy mistake. That is when we discovered a massive BEEHIVE in the walls and the bees began to swarm for the first time while we shared the place with only the bees. And other vermin that we slowly excluded. We evacuated the house temporarily for a few hours with Trix, our cat and the bird until the bees subsided.
IN THE KITCHEN, we removed the light blocking the 1960s kitchen cabinets and wall that subdivided the living room then built a redwood counter with butcher block top and installed a reverse osmosis water filtration system and new water tap and water lines and new Moen garbage disposal hooked up to wifi power switch that can be voice-activated. We also stripped the broken oven and kept the stove but installed an invisible shelf which floated just the stove top. After a few months, we replaced it with a professional Chef 2 burner hand light 30000 btu range, a Miele steam oven, chrome Krupps toaster oven, and chrome Alessi toaster.
6 VACUUMS, 2 refrigerators, later. We have a new Samsung large Samsung fridge but it's downstairs now and used as freezer we coated the doors with chalkboard paint to keep track of what is inside easily we use this for longer food storage as we have to prepare a lot seeing that we chose to embrace macrobiotic. Due to the assault on our property this has been much harder to eat right which is imperative to our health as Erik is a survivor of a tumor demastastisez by macrobiotics as cure less common than a talking horse. We have put a new vintage Frigidaire turquoise refrigerator and a mini-fridge on top of it with a built-in wine chiller for about 15 bottles. (updated update We ordered a new Miele 36 Inch MasterCool Fridge Freezer The sink was replaced and is now stainless steel.
THE DOOR TO THE BALCONY was replaced with a French glass door and put on a sliding door track that self-locks and the door handles were carved from a tree in the front yard. The balcony was also planned by hand and the exterior of the front side of the house was also painted several times, once grey black, one white, and now we are hand planing it to match the other side's redwood replacement.
Windows were added to the balcony to enclose part of it and redwood panels to match the bathroom were used to close and insulate the balcony. A lantern was installed as a beacon to the neighborhood and a rainbow American flag waives for many months.
EXTERIOR was Redwood Paneled and the old wood was removed to get rid of Termite and Termite Rot. This was at the peak of wood cost worldwide. Where 6 feet of redwood six inches wide was 1 inch thick was 7 to 8 dollars a board. This didn't have much of an effect on our need to replace the old with new. As another year of termites would probably be too much for the old house. So the 500 Redwood planks I bought from Homedepot for our fence became dedicated to this instead having to disassemble the fence was quite a work out but I figured the next fence this being the 4th one I have had to make due to the thieves down below stealing our fence wood by disassembling my privacy fences and my privacy green screen walls to illegally break and enter the vacated ruins of the building that was our garage and formerly the first Sears and Roebuck brick machine home on Ewing Street in 1910.
This was once a unit for living but has passed this point so many years ago it was officially vacant and on the HCIDLA list of vacated buildings and Permitted for hand demolish in 2016 but a last-minute BOE notice revoking the permit stopped development from destroying the relic and the neighborhood was very thankful. You see this neighborhood has a special place in their heart for VILLA DEBORAH as it's a symbol of the past and what this place was and is a historical marker as the stairs that were here.
WE, ELISHBA ITURRA SEIDENGLANZ AND ERIK CHRISTOPHER SEIDENGLANZ, adverse claimants in possession of the entire property with an Assessor’s Parcel Number of 5415-009-041 also known as 1410 ½ Ewing St. Los Angeles, CA 90026, inclusive of the abated lower building with an address of 1968 Avon St. Los Angeles, CA 90026, declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed in Los Angeles County, State of California
Dated: 2021 NOV 9
Erik Seidenglanz